Mr. King's views on Ms. Meyer's literary abilities came out during an interview with USA Weekend when he was asked if he believes his writing has been influential to today's up-and-coming scribblers, namely Ms. Rowling and Ms. Meyer.
Mr. King went on to compare Twilight to the creations of another writer he called "terrible" but who was "very successful": Erle Stanley Gardner, author of the Perry Mason lawyer/mystery series.
How does Mr. King explain the success of Twilight and books of its ilk? "People are attracted to the stories, the pace," says King. Twilight opens up "a kind of safe joining of love and sex...It's exciting and it's thrilling and it's not particularly threatening, because they're not overtly sexual. A lot of the physical side of it is conveyed in things like the vampire will touch her forearm or run a hand over skin, and she just flushes all hot and cold. And for girls, that's a shorthand for all the feelings that they're not ready to deal with yet."
As you can imagine, the internet is erupting with Twi-hards venting their wrath upon the honest head of Mr. King.
The books are loved by many, not only teens, idiot.griped one fan. Another went quite a bit farther:
Any defenders of Mr. King willing to step up to the plate?Ithink he's such a JERK! I'd like to say other things but we can't go swearing on here. What a moron! I haven't read his books, but what the heck?! He goes dissing Stephanie Meyer- I HAD to read all of her books b/c they were sooo good- and I'm 27- i have a complete life- the fact that he's like 'she writes pg material for hs girls" is such krap! What a donkey! Stephanie is OBVIOUSLY talented. WHo the heck asked for his opinion in the first place and why would he think he's qualified to critique her just b/c he's an author. What a limited mind he has!!! I feel like never picking up one of his dumb books! He is a machovanistic PIG! I had respect for him before b/c he's written so many best selling books but PUHLEASE! He's totally classless. He writes different types of books- why would he even comment on a totally differ type of book? I even went on his website and the way he answers his readers questions- he does it SoOO ARROGANTLY! AND he doesn't even have or myspace or even a section on his website besides stupid Message forums (which I AM NOT GOING TO SIGN UP to just leave him a comment) so that we could leave him a COMMENT about his stupid CRITIQUES because he DOESN'T CARE WHAT THE PUBLIC THINKS (just look at the way he answers his fans' questions)! I could say more nasty things about him, but why even bother wasting my own personal time!
Cast your eye on the Book Examiner's defense of Mr. King: In defense of Mr. King, or What is good writing, anyway?
Take a look at Team Twilight and Team Potter defend their literary loves in the Book Examiner Twilight versus Potter debate.
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