Who’s the dad? Teenage parents await DNA test results

London, Feb 18  The grandmother of a baby girl born last week to a 15-year-old mum and - reportedly - a dad who is only 13, says she can’t wait for a DNA test to settle the paternity.
“Social services agreed to do it for the sake of the children,” Penny, mother of 15-year-old Chantelle Steadman said after claims her daughter slept with boys other than Alfie Patten, who at 13 has been reported as the second youngest dad in Britain.
“The sooner it’s done the sooner Chantelle and Alfie can get on with being parents,” she said insisting the test would prove the babyfaced schoolboy is the father of one-week-old Maisie Roxanne.

The local East Sussex council is giving the case priority after huge media interest in the two teenagers.

Penny, a 38-year-old mother of six, said that until the DNA results came through she and Chantelle would remain with Maisie at a hideaway where they have fled.

“We don’t want to go back until Chantelle feels she can take the baby out in its pram without people shouting things at her,” she told The Sun.

She and Chantelle’s father Steve asked for help after two boys aged 16 and 14, who also live on the same housing estate in the town of Eastbourne, claimed paternity.

Up to six others have made similar claims, The Sun said.

Social services had previously rejected the 300 pound test.