Blackbird 0.5 is now available for download

Blackbird 0.5 is out of beta and is now available. Help spread the word and let your BlackBerry-owning friends know about it!
What’s new in this release?
  • Tweet detail view now shows the user’s avatar.
  • @usernames are now active links to the Twitter user’s URL.
  • Timeline data is now cached in persistent storage.
Here are a few features I’m going to try to implement for 0.6:
  • Cache avatars in persistent storage to speed up the UI and reduce bandwidth usage.
  • Add key accelerators “t” and “b” to jump to the top and bottom of the message list, and “n” and “p” to go to the next and previous messages, respectively.
  • Add an option to automatically refresh data in the background or continue to manually refresh data from the Twitter API.
Are there any specific features you’d like to see implemented in 0.6? Have any bugs to report? Let me know about them in the comment for this entry.